If you choose to use this Directory and submit information using the’ Time Saver’ Direct enquiry form, you are accepting the below Terms & Conditions and opting in allowing contact with yourself by means of Telephone or Email if you have submitted personal data being, name, email address and or telephone number
Terms & Conditions, Privacy Settings and Cookies
After completing a search by using your postcode and if you chose to use our “Time Saver” enquiry contact form facility by entering your personal details as data being; Name, email address and or telephone number, you accept ( Skiphirenear.me ) will use the enquiry form information to share this data with a single or multiple third parties being ( Skiphirenear.me clients being Skip Hire Companies registered on the Directory ) who hire skips to the general public in your postal area.
Your data is shared with ( Skiphirenear.me registered Skip Hire companies ) with an agreement that they can use your data to contact you and or prepare a quotation for you within SEVEN days.
{Skiphirenear.me) Terms & Conditions agreement with (Skip Hire Companies) is they must not share your data with a third party and must delete the data after SEVEN working days unless you become their customer in which case your data is subject to their GDPR.
If after SEVEN days you are contacted by any (Skiphirenear.me registered Skip Company) with who you do not have an agreement for skip hire, we (Skiphirenear.me) cannot be held responsible and you must contact the said skip company to destroy your data.
If after SEVEN days you are contacted by any (Skiphirenear.me registered Skip Company) with who you do not have an agreement for skip hire, we (Skiphirenear.me) cannot be held responsible and you must contact the said skip company to destroy your data.
( Skiphirenear.me ) will retain your personal search and contact data for historical records and use this data for the future development of the directory and may contact you for feedback on your experience of using the Directory. If you wish for your personal data to be deleted, please email hello@skiphirenear.me and all your data will be removed within SEVEN working days.
(Skiphirenear.me) cannot be held responsible for any actions or disputes with (Skip Hire Companies) who market their services on the Directory and you have become their customer but will assist in any way if it could help resolve any issues. We suggest that you read your chosen (Skip Hire Company’s) Terms & Conditions before placing your order.
(Skiphirenear.me) Terms & Conditions do not affect your rights under any common law and may be subject to change.
This website complies with the law which states that we can store cookies on your machine if they are essential to the operation of this site, which we do. If you wish not to have Cookies placed on your internet access device, please leave this website and delete the cookies you have downloaded.
Registered Skip Companies on the Skiphirenear.me Classified Directory is checked to be Bona Fida using the Gov Environmental Agency showing information they have a current Waste License